Everyone’s favourite social commentator will.i.am once said “let’s get it started ha, let’s get it started in here.”
Thanks Will. We agree. Here are the first crew of bands coming to party at #MPF2023.
We tried to bring OFF WITH THEIR HEADS over in 2020. The world had other ideas. We are buzzing to get it done for 2023. They are 100% worth the wait. We are super excited to host the DIY army known as BIG D & THE KIDS TABLE. A band that have had more members than we’ve had good nights sleep and luckily, they’ve confirmed they are happy to sleep in local parks so we don’t need to take a loan out for their accommodation. Let’s show them a good time whilst they are here.

Hardcore shredders DEATH BY STEREO are making their return along with the much loved LIGHTYEAR, 2nd appearance for both and two bands we look forward to catching up with a lot! There might be some mid solo bar shots, there might be a man in a horse costume. We can’t confirm.
Continuing with the theme of horses, our friends in WONK UNIT are back. Alex said if you send a picture of yourself stood next to a pony wearing a comfortable knitted garment, you can have guest list to next years Wonkfest.

Check the poster for the ridiculously mint list of bands joining them. Early bird tickets sold out rapid, get yours from HERE.
Tons more coming your way! The last edition of MPF was insane, let’s go again!