That was quite something!
Every year it gets harder and harder to find the right words to articulate how MPF makes us feel.
Manchester Punk Festival has turned into something we never really anticipated when we set out. It’s more than a festival and more than the bands.
The amount of heartwarming words and feedback we’ve had over the weekend has been emotionally overwhelming at times and something we never take for granted.
We don’t see it as our event, it belongs to everyone that attends and supports the amazing collection of artists showcasing their work to us across an area of our city. We couldn’t be more grateful to you and them for giving us your time and energy.

We have some thanks to give out so we’ll try and be as concise as possible. A huge thank you to the incredible festival crew we’ve amassed. Our stage managers and volunteers are the reason the weekend works, their time and professionalism this year was appreciated more than ever before by everyone we spoke to, and none more so than us!
The venue staff and security did a great job so a huge thank you to them for listening to us and the crowd and allowing us to enjoy it as we want to. Special shout out to Ant and Pete at The Union for constantly going the extra mile for us without us even asking them to. Huge shout out to the photographers and film crew who captured the event, we can’t wait to see what you have. In particular, we wanted to say thank you to Andy, Shelley and Mark who sacrifice their own weekends so that they can capture ours. So much love for them!
Massive shout out to Signature Brew, our favourite beer company, for looking after us so well. It’s a pleasure to work with like minded people from a different industry and long may our relationship continue!
Our comedy stage is programmed by the wonderful Red and the poetry stage is looked after by Henry. They do a stellar job and we really value it in the overall MPF experience.
A very special thank you goes to our partners. Especially the ones that look after our kids and Whippys all weekend so that we can enjoy ourselves that little bit more. There isn’t really a way to tell you how much we appreciate you all year round so that we can put time in to this passion, you genuinely mean the world to us .
Don’t forget to fill in our survey and be in with a chance to win 2 tickets for next year. We try our best to listen to what you think: https://forms.gle/LW99zZHaYRGQ7xvy9
Through the festival, we’re really pleased that we’ve raised £381 for each of the following organisations: 0161 Community, Manchester Central Foodbank and SkatePal. Please check them out and support them where possible.
As always we raised money for Booth Centre via our tickets and topped it up to £1000. Thank you to everyone who made a donation!
2024 tickets are already on sale and Super Early Birds have already sold out, there’s 176 Early Birds left as of now… Get yours HERE.
That’s it from us for now, but believe us when we say we have some spicy things coming for you soon. Take it easy everyone x