Each year at Manchester Punk Festival we give out a free programme to everyone attending. Grab yours from the Union when you collect your MPF2024 wristband. It is a homage to zine culture, and we’ve been fortunate to collaborate with some new writers this year, as well as some old favourites.
This programme is designed to help you navigate through any names you’ve not heard of yet – you’ll find articles, interviews and recommendations in the pages that follow, including handy for-fans-of suggestions alongside band descriptions.
If you can’t wait until MPF2024, or want to get your festival plan in place, you can read the programme online HERE.
If that isn’t enough, you can download our APP or head to the CLASHFINDER to help you navigate the 180+ artists at this year’s MPF and work out who you want to watch.
Read the MPF2024 programme online here.
Pick up a ticket for MPF2024 here.